If you are a pet parent seeking an experienced top-notch Neurological facility, the search stops here at Veterinary Neurology of the Chesapeake.

If you are a pet parent seeking an experienced top-notch Neurological facility, the search stops here at Veterinary Neurology of the Chesapeake. I have been a client there for nearly 2 years since my little girl, Peaches, was diagnosed with severe, cluster seizure epilepsy. I was referred to Dr. McDonnell in January of 2016. Epilepsy is a tricky disorder and treatment is very individualized. It takes experience, patience and a learned knowledge of the disorder and the various meds and dosages. Dr. McDonnell fills all those requirements while exhibiting a confident "don't worry, we're going to lick this problem". It took 6 months to begin getting results and we achieved success in 8 months. (This process can take a year or more in some cases.) During those months there were many tearful, anxious and panicked phone calls. These were channeled through Dr. McDonnell's admin, Brittany. Brittany "got" my urgency and was unfailingly cheerful, upbeat, and calming. She always took my concern to the doc and got back to me within the hour. One time she even called Dr. McDonnell who was en-route to a vacation destination because she knew I was having a meltdown. (Don't suppose this earned her any points with the boss!) Since August of 2016, Peaches has been fine and consequently, so have I. I have also had an appointment with Dr. Harvey there and am much impressed with her as well. Also, kudos to my Jake, tech extraordinaire. So, you can see, Dr. McDonnell is my hero and Brittany is my guardian angel. I know you would have the same experience if you become a client. You won't be sorry. Thanks for "listening" and Good Luck!


Saved my fur baby Haley


We celebrate every day with our lil' man, Bandit!